Please note that Robert Wallace & ASSOCIATES INC, are now under the COASTAL insurance group agencies LLC.

CoAstal insurance group agencies llc

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CoAstal insurance group agencies llc is your ultimate full-service insurance agency knowledgeable in providing customer's products and services to match your personal and commercial needs.
As an Insurance Agent in Waycross, we know many local families. Our knowledge & understanding of the people in this community help us provide customers with an outstanding level of service.
We protect the things that are important - your family, home, car, boat, & more!

Helps protect you and your vehicle if you’re involved in a car accident. At a minimum, you’ll likely need bodily injury liability and property damage liability to meet state auto insurance coverage requirements and help protect your finances if you cause an accident that injures another driver or damages their property.


Helps provide protection for your house dwelling and your family’s liability as well as the things you own in and around your home such as “other structures” detached garage, fence, etc., your personal property furniture, clothing, etc. against covered perils such as fire, theft, wind/hail and more.


Protect the life you want, for those that matter most. A life insurance policy can help provide financial security for your loved ones by covering expenses like the mortgage, college tuition, and other everyday living costs. Call us today to learn about the different types of coverage we offer.


Our Business Insurance protects your business in ways other insurance might not. A business owner's policy BOP usually includes three common types of coverage to help protect you and your small business: property coverage, general liability coverage, and business interruption coverage. In addition to these basic coverages, our Business Owners Policy can be customized with additional protection to help cover more aspects of your business.


Helps cover your boat on and off the water. Watercraft liability coverage helps pay for another person’s expenses if you injure them or damage their property with your boat. If you’re injured in a boating accident, watercraft medical payments coverage helps pay for your medical bills. Need to repair damage to your boat after an accident? Property coverage for your boat helps cover a crash with another boat or object like a pier or buoy. It also helps cover theft, vandalism, or fire.


Our motorcycle policies include the basic coverage you may need, like liability coverage, guest passenger liability, and uninsured motorist coverage. You can further customize your motorcycle policy with collision coverage and comprehensive coverage to help protect your bike. And, if you have a customized ride, you can help protect your aftermarket gear with optional equipment coverage.